Our first joined show!

Last week my friend Liz and I hung our first show together at Simon's Cafe in Cambridge, MA. It's right there on Mass Ave between Harvard and Porter Square, so if you walk by make a little stop and check it out.

We had been talking about this for a looooong time so it was really fun to finally do it. Our styles are quite different but the result looks great. And customers at the cafe were super cool. Many times we had to ask them to move so we could hang our work right over their tables and heads but instead they ended up helping us. 

The artwork will be up for about a month, so go check it out. And if you have kids, you can go to Liz's art studio MUCKY KIDS  next door and create some masterpieces yourself!


show at simons.jpg
show at simons'.jpg



Debut Community-Art-Project